Sunday, December 26, 2010

Almost an Owner Panic

Our closing was set for Yule, December 21, 2010, a date I'd picked for its symbolism. For a pagan Yule is all about rebirth, transformation and new beginnings and that seemed a wonderful tone for the start of our new venture. The wait between the auction and the closing was both too long and too short. Tom and I were dying to dig into the building and see what we'd actually bought and at the same time there was the lengthy process of financing to arrange. We also spent a lot of the time dreaming and planning even though we realized those dreams had no basis in fact. At one time I even threatened to make a big sign reading 'IF' as a tribute to this time LOL

IF we don't have any leaks, IF we can move this wall, if, if, if. It seemed as if the days revolved more around what we didn't know than what we did LOL In between dreams we had the necessary realities of arranging for insurance and telling our families about our project. The family situation was far more fun than insurance and a lot less costly. For my family it was pretty straight forward. I'd already mentioned to my brother that we'd intended to go to the auction. Being a property owner himself he's been supportive from the beginning. With Tom's family it was a bit more interesting and fun. During the family Christmas dinner Tom made the announcement that we were 'complicating' our lives and they should keep an eye on the local newspaper for an announcement. Then he pretty much left it at that for them to draw their own conclusions LOL By now they know we're not: pregnant, being arrested, or getting married and hopefully we've been forgiven for our joke LOL

Even with the weeks in-between, all too soon it was closing day. For all the drama leading up to it the actual closing was pretty boring and short. A few papers slid across the desk and signed, checks slid the other way and quick as that we had keys in our hands. Well, Tom did. I was off on a round of errands while he spent a day off exploring our purchase. That started what's likely to be a year of hilly terrain, or 'ripples' as I call them. It's winter in Ohio and cold. The unexplored gas well is frozen which means it no longer leaks but then again, we can't find out about it or get it fixed. The roof is still leaking even with the cold and our first surprise as virgin building owners was finding fresh damage to several ceilings. Of course with the weather we can't fix the roof either LOL Tom's first order of business was to get the utilities on and after an afternoon of poking he presented me with the news of utility company appointments and a frozen water main. Nothing unexpected and only a slight delay, or so we thought. By day two of ownership the electricity was on, kind of. Tom discovered some suspect wiring to part of the building and so that remains powerless for now. Again, until spring. It's just wonderful for now though to have lights in the place. Well, we'll have lights once I head to the home supply store and buy a case or two of light bulbs LOL

In the meantime, while waiting on utilities, we starting showing off our prize and Brandie got her first look at the place. I'd talked her ears off about it in the weeks since the auction so she knew it wasn't in pristine condition. I'm a bit excited about the project though and not a first time renovator so much of the condition of the building was 'normal' and not worthy of mention. You know, the moldy falling ceilings, doors hanging from one hinge, bone chilling cold only an empty building can have and the general amount of trash in the place. True friend that she is there were nothing but supportive comments but the look on her face at times was priceless! LOL

In the week or so since we took possession we've learned a great deal already and found all kinds of surprises and future adventures. Our water line is too small yet replacing it involves the city, lots of digging and even more money. And it's also another project that can't be done until the ground thaws in the spring LOL The furnace and water heater situation, while not drastic, isn't really good and the mechanics likely should be separated so each apartment has it's own systems. Give the age of the building and the problems running duct work and wiring that could be an interesting puzzle to occupy us this winter. Unfortunately, at this point we're restricted to mostly demolition work and trash hauling but there's no shortage of that to be done. The first sunny day we get - that could be awhile given Ohio's weather - I'll take some new pictures to show you the good, the bad and the really, really ugly.

Btw, if you're wondering about the state of the other utilities - heat and water - the news isn't so great. What we've learned about that is covered in my next post . . . Utilities 101 ROFL

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